Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where To Go Fishing This Weekend?

I have a choice to make, to head south and go to Sand Hollow for Bass, OR to head north and go to Yankee Meadows to ice fish for Brook Trout.  The Ice fishing should be fun and we would have a chance to snowmobile in where most people wont have access. But Bass fishing is right around the corner and I need to get ready for that time of the year (Feb 18th SUBA).  I need some help deciding, if you have a suggestion I would love your suggestions???


  1. Um, I would go bass fishing. That's just me though. I've been iching for bass fishing to come and if you have a tournament on the 18th you should go south. But ice fishing is pretty fun and you'll probably catch more, but your call. Just don't complain when I reel in the $2500 dollar fish at Rockport!

  2. I would watch the weather and water temp at sandhollow. The fishing could change in a couple days. If you see a spike in temp coming up I'd head down.
